Furry Friend

Snapped! How adorable is this? Although I am usually the one to shy away from animal friends, I've started conquering my fear and have befriended this cutie. One step at a time and soon I won't have any fears left. Invincibility here I come, nothing's going to stop me!

Postat av: Anne

Super cute bb you've got going. Is it holding a peanut?

2011-10-26 @ 23:48:44
Postat av: Charlotte

The squirrel is adorable!!

2011-10-27 @ 09:26:38
Postat av: Anonym

Men så söt! Vad praktiskt att ha ett husdjur som inte behöver rastas tidigt på morgonen och sent på kvällen.


2011-10-27 @ 18:53:16
Postat av: Anne

Is it eating a peanut? Party for two, cupcakes for you and peanuts for your squirrel.


2011-10-27 @ 18:55:31

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