Need A Good Read?

I love books! But more specifically, gorgeous, big, coffee table books! It's hard to resist the urge to buy them when there are just sooo many wonderful ones out there. During Christmas break in Thailand, I found several new ones to add to my collection. I can't wait to read them all!

The books included: 'The Next Generation: Japanese Women Designers, Photographers, and Illustrators', 'Fashion Drawing in Vogue', and 'Avedon 1944-2000 Fashion'.

My pile is growing! Best part, these aren't even all!

Postat av: Anne

Lucky, lucky you! It looks like you already have your summer vacation scheduled!


2011-01-21 @ 01:41:38
Postat av: Pug Lover

Ohh they all look gorgeous!! I want them :)

2011-01-21 @ 02:21:33
Postat av: Charlotte

They're all so beautiful!! Can you show us what they look like inside?

2011-01-21 @ 02:22:23
Postat av: Amalia

They all look as fabulous as you!!

Do you have a favorite??

2011-01-21 @ 02:23:21

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